No matter who should train something, it is almost always just one task of many!
The question quickly arises, who have I already trained in which topics?
Does the knowledge content sit with all employees or who still has which knowledge gaps?
And when are what refreshments needed? What documents do I proceed with and how do I even document my activities?
But with the right tools, it's easy to be a coach!
By the way, relationships are strengthened and the coach automatically becomes the best connoisseur of the matter.
The coach can rely on his LEVELCOACHING®-app.
Always! The app is the tool - the hammer to hit a nail in the wall!
Whether superiors, regional training managers or even sales representatives, they can all be used as coaches and without additional methodological didactic training.
The system guides your coaches through all training activities at each location, exactly the content that should now be trained is displayed.
So the coach can concentrate on his coaching.